Function: convertAdvXMLtoJSON


    Goal: Recursively and generically convert advanced XML strings into JSON.

    • This function convertAdvXMLtoJSON shows how to convert advanced XML strings into JSON.

    • This function will handle items and constructs that convertXMLtoJSON will fail on 1) empty-element tags and 2) attributes.

      <ADVELEM1 adv_attrA="adv_valA" />
      <ADVELEM2 adv_attrA="adv_valA" adv_attrB="adv_valB">
    • Requires Eventing Storage (or metadata collection) and a "source" collection.

    • Will operate on any mutation where the KEY or starts with "xml:".

    • Will enrich the source document with a new JSON object representing the XML data.

    • Maintains a checksum to prevent the overhead of conversion if the property in_xml is unchanged.

    • convertAdvXMLtoJSON

    • Input Data/Mutation

    • Output Data/Mutation

    // To run configure the settings for this Function, convertAdvXMLtoJSON, as follows:
    // Version 7.1+
    //   "Function Scope"
    //     *.* (or try if non-privileged)
    //   "Listen to Location"
    //   "Eventing Storage"
    //     rr100.eventing.metadata
    //   Binding(s)
    //    1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket.scope.collection", "Access"
    //       "bucket alias", "src_col",       "",        "read and write"
    // Version 6.X
    //   "Source Bucket"
    //     source
    //   "MetaData Bucket"
    //     metadata
    //   Binding(s)
    //    1. "binding type", "alias name...", "bucket",     "Access"
    //       "bucket alias", "src_col",       "source",     "read and write"
    // ===============================================================
    function customParseFixups(key,tmp) {
        // typically we would test the key for a name where we want to transform the value
        // Example 1:
        //     if (key === "resultStr") {
        //        // makes an array of strings
        //        // var data_array = tmp.trim().split(' ');
        //        return data_array;
        //     }
        // Example 2:
        //     if (key === "resultNumStr") {
        //        // makes an array of numbers
        //        // var data_array = tmp.trim().split(' ').map(str => Number(str));
        //        return data_array;
        //     }
        // Do nothing this is a NOOP
        return tmp;
    // ===============================================================
    function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
        // filter out non XML
        if (!"advxml:")) return;
        // The KEY started with "advxml" try to process it
        // ===========================================================
        // *** Do other  work required here on non .in_xml changes ***
        // ===========================================================
        // let's see if we need to re-create our json representation.
        var xmlchksum = crc64(doc.in_xml);
        // ===========================================================
        // Don't reprocess if the doc.in_xml has not changed this could be
        // a big performance win if the doc has other fields that mutate.
        // We do this via a checksum of the .in_xml property.
        if (doc.xmlchksum && doc.xmlchksum === xmlchksum) return;
        // Either this is the first pass, or the .in_xml property changed.
        var jsonDoc = parseAdvXmlToJson(doc.in_xml);
        log(,"1. INPUT  xml doc.in_xml :", doc.in_xml);
        log(,"2. CHECKSUM doc.in_xml   :", xmlchksum);
        log(,"3. OUTPUT doc.out_json   :", jsonDoc);
        doc.out_json = jsonDoc;
        doc.xmlchksum = xmlchksum;
        // ===========================================================
        // enrich the source collection with .out_json and .xmlchksum
        src_col[] = doc;
    // 7.0.0 version uses String.matchAll eliminates the need to make our own MatchAll function call as parseXmlToJson(xml)
    function parseAdvXmlToJson(xml, recurs) {
    	const json = {};
    	if (!recurs) {
    		// 1st call, Fix bad closures,  Transform Example : '<tagName attrName="attrValue" >'  becomes '<tagName attrName="attrValue" />'
    		xml = xml.replace(/\"\s*>/g, '" />');
    		// 1st call, Transform Example : '<tagName attrName="attrValue" />' becomes '<tagName><attrName>attrValue</attrName></tagName>'
    		xml = xml.replace(/<\s*([^\/><\s]+)\s+(\w[^<>]*)(\s*\/>)/gm, '<$1 $2></$1>');
    	for (const res of xml.matchAll(/(?:<([\w:]*)(?:\s[^>]*)*>)((?:(?!<\1).)*)(?:<\/\1>)|<([\w:]*)(?:\s*)*\/>/gm)) {
    		// find all sest of 1..N attributes if any
    		var attrs = {};
    		for (const res1 of res[0].matchAll(/<\s*(\w[^\/><\s]*)\s+(\w[^<]*[^=<]\s*[=]\s*[\'\"][^<]+[\'\"])\s*>([^<>]*)</gm)) {
    			attrs[res1[1]] = {};
    			if (res1[3] !== "") {
    				// illegal XML: <tag1 attr1="aval1">value1</tag1>
    				log('Illegal can not have bare "' + res1[3] + '" value if we have attr(s) input:', res1[0]);
    				return null;
    			} else {
    				for (const res2 of res1[2].matchAll(/(\w+[^=<>]*)\s*[=]\s*[\"]([^\"]+)[\"]|(\w+[^=<>]*)\s*[=]\s*[\']([^\']+)[\']/gm)) {
    					if (res2[1] !== "") attrs[res1[1]][res2[1]] = res2[2];
    					if (res2[3] !== "") attrs[res1[1]][res2[3]] = res2[4];
    		const key = res[1] || res[3];
    		var value = res[2] && parseAdvXmlToJson(res[2], true);
    		if (res[2] === "" && Object.keys(attrs).length > 0) {
    			value = {};
    		if (attrs[key]) {
    			for (const p in attrs[key]) {
    				if (attrs[key][p]) {
    					value[p] = attrs[key][p];
    		attrs = {};
    		var tmp = ((value && Object.keys(value).length) ? value : res[2]) || null;
    		if (Array.isArray(json[key]) == false) {
    			if (json[key]) {
    				// we have seen this key before change from object to an array of objects
                    var old = json[key];
                    json[key] = [];
    			} else {
    			    // link to a custom function
    			    tmp = customParseFixups(key,tmp);
    				json[key] = tmp;
    		} else {
    	return json;
    // need this for 6.6.0 version
    function* MatchAll(str, regExp) {
      if (! {
        throw new TypeError('Flag /g must be set!');
      const localCopy = new RegExp(regExp, regExp.flags);
      let match;
      while (match = localCopy.exec(str)) {
        yield match;
    // 6.6.0 version no String.matchAll need our own MatchAll function, call as parseXmlToJson(xml)
    function parseAdvXmlToJson(xml, recurs) {
    	const json = {};
    	if (!recurs) {
    		// 1st call, Fix bad closures,  Transform Example : '<tagName attrName="attrValue" >'  becomes '<tagName attrName="attrValue" />'
    		xml = xml.replace(/\"\s*>/g, '" />');
    		// 1st call, Transform Example : '<tagName attrName="attrValue" />' becomes '<tagName attrName="attrValue"></tagName>'
    		xml = xml.replace(/<\s*([^\/><\s]+)\s+(\w[^<>]*)(\s*\/>)/gm, '<$1 $2></$1>');
    	for (const res of MatchAll(xml, /(?:<([\w:]*)(?:\s[^>]*)*>)((?:(?!<\1).)*)(?:<\/\1>)|<([\w:]*)(?:\s*)*\/>/gm)) {
    		// find all sest of 1..N attributes if any
    		var attrs = {};
    		for (const res1 of MatchAll(res[0], /<\s*(\w[^\/><\s]*)\s+(\w[^<]*[^=<]\s*[=]\s*[\'\"][^<]+[\'\"])\s*>([^<>]*)</gm)) {
    			attrs[res1[1]] = {};
    			if (res1[3] !== "") {
    				// illegal XML: <tag1 attr1="aval1">value1</tag1>
    				log('Illegal can not have bare "' + res1[3] + '" value if we have attr(s) input:', res1[0]);
    				return null;
    			} else {
    				for (const res2 of MatchAll(res1[2], /(\w+[^=<>]*)\s*[=]\s*[\"]([^\"]+)[\"]|(\w+[^=<>]*)\s*[=]\s*[\']([^\']+)[\']/gm)) {
    					if (res2[1] !== "") attrs[res1[1]][res2[1]] = res2[2];
    					if (res2[3] !== "") attrs[res1[1]][res2[3]] = res2[4];
    		const key = res[1] || res[3];
    		var value = res[2] && parseAdvXmlToJson(res[2], true);
    		if (res[2] === "" && Object.keys(attrs).length > 0) {
    			value = {};
    		if (attrs[key]) {
    			for (const p in attrs[key]) {
    				if (attrs[key][p]) {
    					value[p] = attrs[key][p];
    		attrs = {};
    		var tmp = ((value && Object.keys(value).length) ? value : res[2]) || null;
    		if (Array.isArray(json[key]) == false) {
    			if (json[key]) {
    				// we have seen this key before change from object to an array of objects
                    var old = json[key];
                    json[key] = [];
    			} else {
    			    // link to a custom function
    			    tmp = customParseFixups(key,tmp);
    				json[key] = tmp;
    		} else {
    	return json;
    INPUT: KEY advxml::1
      "type": "advxml",
      "id": 1,
      "in_xml": "<CD><ADVELEM1 adv_attrA=\"adv_valA\"/><ADVELEM2 adv_attrA=\"adv_valA\" adv_attrB=\"adv_valB\"><SUB>SUBDATA</SUB><TITLE>EmpireBurlesque</TITLE><ARTIST>BobDylan</ARTIST><COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY><COMPANY>Columbia</COMPANY><PRICE>10.90</PRICE><YEAR>1985</YEAR></CD>"
    UPDATED/OUTPUT: KEY advxml::1
      "type": "advxml",
      "id": 1,
      "in_xml": "<CD><ADVELEM1 adv_attrA=\"adv_valA\"/><ADVELEM2 adv_attrA=\"adv_valA\" adv_attrB=\"adv_valB\"><SUB>SUBDATA</SUB></ADVELEM2><TITLE>EmpireBurlesque</TITLE><ARTIST>BobDylan</ARTIST><COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY><COMPANY>Columbia</COMPANY><PRICE>10.90</PRICE><YEAR>1985</YEAR></CD>",
      "out_json": {
        "CD": {
          "ADVELEM1": {
            "adv_attrA": "adv_valA"
          "ADVELEM2": {
            "SUB": "SUBDATA",
            "adv_attrA": "adv_valA",
            "adv_attrB": "adv_valB"
          "TITLE": "EmpireBurlesque",
          "ARTIST": "BobDylan",
          "COUNTRY": "USA",
          "COMPANY": "Columbia",
          "PRICE": "10.90",
          "YEAR": "1985"
      "xmlchksum": "99b252d9af646320"