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Release Notes

    Release notes for the Spark Connector.

    Couchbase Spark Connector 2.3.0 GA (May 2019)

    Version 2.3.0 brings support for Spark 2.3.0 along with:


    • SPARKC-93: Support for Apache Spark 2.3.0

    • SPARKC-89: Support Analytics

    • SPARKC-88: Allow N1QL queries to run on Spark node(s) co-located with query service

    • SPARKC-96: Provide more fault-tolerant batch mutations. saveToCouchbase now takes a maxConcurrent parameter, giving the application control over the size of batches that will be written, from each executor.

    Bug fixes and stability

    • SPARCK-85: Raise N1QL errors as exceptions rather than logging them.

    • SPARKC-82: When running a N1QLQuery, if multiple buckets have been specified, then the bucket to use must now be explicitly chosen. E.g. sc.couchbaseQuery(query, bucketName = "default"). This is safer than choosing an arbitrary bucket.

    • SPARKC-95: Fix to get streaming source working with Spark 2.3

    Couchbase Spark Connector 2.2.0 GA (September 2017)

    Version 2.2.0 is the first stable release of the 2.2.x series. It brings support for Spark 2.2 and the following enhancements and bugfixes:

    Spark Core

    • Support for Apache Spark 2.2.0

    • SPARKC-80: Support for Couchbase Server 5.0 and Role-Based Access Control

    • SPARKC-77: Global and per-operation timeout configuration is now possible

    • SPARKC-44: Support for Subdocument Mutations has been added.

    • SPARKC-79: Support for easier SSL/TLS configuration via spark config.

    Spark SQL

    • SPARKC-77: per-operation timeout configuration is now possible

    Spark Streaming

    No changes for Spark Streaming have been made in this release.