User Management
The Java SDK lets you create users, assign them roles and associated privileges, and remove them from the system.
User-Management APIs
Users who have been assigned the Admin role for the cluster are able to create, edit, and remove users. The Java SDK provides APIs to support these activities. A high-level summary of the APIs can be found in User-Management, and details of all options in the UserManager API docs.
Using the UserManager API
The most common uses of the UserManager
API are creating and listing users:
User user = new User(testUsername).password(testPassword).displayName("Constance Lambert");
// Roles required for the reading of data from the bucket
new Role("data_reader", "*"),
new Role("query_select", "*"),
// Roles required for the writing of data into the bucket.
new Role("data_writer", bucketName),
new Role("query_insert", bucketName),
new Role("query_delete", bucketName),
// Role required for the creation of indexes on the bucket.
new Role("query_manage_index", bucketName));
List<UserAndMetadata> listOfUsers = cluster.users().getAllUsers();
for (int j = 0; j < listOfUsers.size(); j++) {
UserAndMetadata currentUser = listOfUsers.get(j);
System.out.println("User's display name is: " + currentUser.user().displayName() );
Set<Role> currentRoles = currentUser.user().roles();
for (Role role : currentRoles) {
System.out.println(" User has the role: " + + ", applicable to bucket " + role.bucket() );
Using a user created in the SDK to access data:
ClusterEnvironment environment = ClusterEnvironment.builder().build();
Cluster userCluster = Cluster.connect(connectionString,
ClusterOptions.clusterOptions(testUsername, testPassword).environment(environment));
Bucket userBucket = userCluster.bucket(bucketName);
Collection userCollection = userBucket.defaultCollection();
cluster.queryIndexes().createPrimaryIndex(bucketName, // create index if needed
JsonObject returnedAirline10doc = userCollection.get("airline_10").contentAsObject();
JsonObject airline11Object = JsonObject.create().put("callsign", "MILE-AIR").put("iata", "Q5").put("icao", "MLA")
.put("id", 11).put("name", "40-Mile Air").put("type", "airline");
userCollection.upsert("airline_11", airline11Object);
JsonObject returnedAirline11Doc = userCollection.get("airline_11").contentAsObject();
QueryResult result = userCluster.query("SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` LIMIT 5");
Further Reading
The SDK also contains management APIs for dealing with Cluster resources.