Couchbase Distributed ACID Transactions for C SDK Release Notes
The Couchbase C++ Distributed ACID Transactions API is built upon libcouchbase, which is included automatically. This page contains installation instructions and release notes.
Couchbase C++ Distributed ACID Transactions is currently available for:
CentOS 7 & 8 (some extra steps are required with CentOS 7);
Debian 10;
Ubuntu 20.04.
Other OS versions are not tested.
Couchbase C++ Distributed ACID Transactions is distributed as a separate library for the C SDK. This page features the release notes for that library — for release notes, download links, and installation methods for the latest 3.x C SDK releases, see the current Release Notes page.
$ wget
$ tar xf couchbase-transactions-1.0.0-1.253.el8.x86_64.tar
$ sudo yum install couchbase-transactions*.rpm
$ wget
$ tar xf couchbase-transactions-1.0.0~r253-debian10-buster.tar
$ sudo apt-get install -y libevent-core-2.1
$ sudo dpkg -i couchbase-transactions*.deb
Version 1.0.0 Beta 1 (13 October 2020)
First beta release of 1.0.0
Known Issues
Owing to MB-41944, this release should not be used together with a deployment using Sync Gateway. Owing to this issue there is also a known theoretical data loss problem. The issue will be fixed in Couchbase Server release 6.6.1.
Platform |
Architecture |
File |
Enterprise Linux 7 |
x64 |
Enterprise Linux 8 |
x64 |
Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) |
x64 |[couchbase-transactions-1.0.0.beta.1r63-ubuntu2004-focal.tar] |
Debian 10 (buster) |
x64 |[couchbase-transactions-1.0.0.beta.1r63-debian10-buster.tar] |
Using Distributed Transactions
See the Distributed ACID Transactions concept doc in the server documentation for details of how Couchbase implements transactions. The Distributed Transactions HOWTO doc walks you through all aspects of working with Distributed Transactions.