User Management
The Java SDK lets you create users, assign them roles and associated privileges, and remove them from the system.
User-Management APIs
Users who have been assigned the Admin role for the cluster are able to create, edit, and remove users. The Java SDK provides APIs to support these activities. A high-level summary of the APIs can be found in User-Management, and details of all options in the UserManager API docs.
Using the UserManager API
The most common uses of the UserManager
API are creating and listing users:
userMgr := cluster.Users()
user := gocb.User{
Username: username,
DisplayName: "My Displayname",
Roles: []gocb.Role{
// Roles required for the reading of data from the bucket
Name: "data_reader",
Bucket: "*",
Name: "query_select",
Bucket: "*",
// Roles required for the writing of data into the bucket.
Name: "data_writer",
Bucket: bucketName,
Name: "query_insert",
Bucket: bucketName,
Name: "query_delete",
Bucket: bucketName,
// Role required for the creation of indexes on the bucket.
Name: "query_manage_index",
Bucket: bucketName,
Password: password,
err = userMgr.UpsertUser(user, nil)
if err != nil {
users, err := userMgr.GetAllUsers(&gocb.GetAllUsersOptions{})
if err != nil {
for _, u := range users {
fmt.Printf("User's display name is: %s\n", u.DisplayName)
roles := u.Roles
for _, r := range roles {
fmt.Printf(" User has the role %s, applicable to bucket %s\n", r.Name, r.Bucket)
Using a user created in the SDK to access data:
opts := gocb.ClusterOptions{
Authenticator: gocb.PasswordAuthenticator{
Username: username,
Password: password,
cluster, err := gocb.Connect(connString, opts)
if err != nil {
// For Server versions 6.5 or later you do not need to open a bucket here
bucket := cluster.Bucket(bucketName)
collection := bucket.Scope("inventory").Collection("airline")
err = cluster.QueryIndexes().CreatePrimaryIndex(bucketName, &gocb.CreatePrimaryQueryIndexOptions{
IgnoreIfExists: true,
if err != nil {
airline10, err := collection.Get("airline_10", nil)
if err != nil {
var airline interface{}
err = airline10.Content(&airline)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Airline 10: %v\n", airline)
airline11 := map[string]interface{}{
"callsign": "MILE-AIR",
"iata": "Q5",
"id": 11,
"name": "40-Mile Air",
"type": "airline",
_, err = collection.Upsert("airline_11", airline11, nil)
if err != nil {
queryRes, err := cluster.Query("SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airline LIMIT 5", nil)
if err != nil {
for queryRes.Next() {
var queryData interface{}
err = queryRes.Row(&queryData)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Query row: %v\n", queryData)
Further Reading
The SDK also contains management APIs for dealing with Cluster resources.