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Sample Application


    Unresolved include directive in modules/hello-world/pages/sample-application.adoc - include::7.1@sdk:shared:partial$sample-application.adoc[]

    Unresolved include directive in modules/hello-world/pages/sample-application.adoc - include::7.1@sdk:shared:partial$sample-application.adoc[]

    Unresolved include directive in modules/hello-world/pages/sample-application.adoc - include::7.1@sdk:shared:partial$sample-application.adoc[]

    Unresolved include directive in modules/hello-world/pages/sample-application.adoc - include::7.1@sdk:shared:partial$sample-application.adoc[]

    Sample App Backend

    The backend code shows Couchbase Java SDK in action with Query and Search, but also how to plug together all of the elements and build an application with Couchbase Server and the Java SDK. Look at TenantUser.java to see some of the pieces necessary in most applications, such as the TenantUser @Service:

    public class TenantUser {
        private final TokenService jwtService;
        public TenantUser(TokenService jwtService) {
            this.jwtService = jwtService;
        static final String USERS_COLLECTION_NAME = "users";
        static final String BOOKINGS_COLLECTION_NAME = "bookings";

    Creating a user shows the typical security concerns, with salted password hashes, as well as the mundane but essential business of using the KV interface to insert the username into the database:

    public Result<Map<String, Object>> createLogin(final Bucket bucket, final String tenant, final String username,
            final String password, DurabilityLevel expiry) {
        String passHash = BCrypt.hashpw(password, BCrypt.gensalt());
        JsonObject doc = JsonObject.create()
                .put("type", "user")
                .put("name", username)
                .put("password", passHash);
        InsertOptions options = insertOptions();
        if (expiry.ordinal() > 0) {
        Scope scope = bucket.scope(tenant);
        Collection collection = scope.collection(USERS_COLLECTION_NAME);
        String queryType = String.format("KV insert - scoped to %s.users: document %s", scope.name(), username);
        try {
            collection.insert(username, doc, options);
            Map<String, Object> data = JsonObject.create().put("token", jwtService.buildToken(username)).toMap();
            return Result.of(data, queryType);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new AuthenticationServiceException("There was an error creating account");

    Here, the flights array, containing the flight IDs, is converted to actual objects:

        List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < flights.size(); i++) {
            String flightId = flights.getString(i);
            GetResult res;
            try {
                res = bookingsCollection.get(flightId);
            } catch (DocumentNotFoundException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve flight id " + flightId);
            Map<String, Object> flight = res.contentAsObject().toMap();
        String queryType = String.format("KV get - scoped to %s.user: for %d bookings in document %s", scope.name(),
                results.size(), username);
        return Result.of(results, queryType);

    Unresolved include directive in modules/hello-world/pages/sample-application.adoc - include::7.1@sdk:shared:partial$sample-application.adoc[]

    Unresolved include directive in modules/hello-world/pages/sample-application.adoc - include::7.1@sdk:shared:partial$sample-application.adoc[]