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Buckets and Clusters

    The Couchbase Java SDK provides an API for managing a Couchbase cluster programmatically.

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/buckets-and-clusters.adoc - include::6.5@sdk:shared:partial$clusters-buckets.adoc[]

    Management operations in the Java SDK may be performed through several interfaces depending on the object:

    Creating and Removing Buckets

    To create or delete a bucket, call the bucket manager with the buckets() call on the cluster:

    BucketManager manager = cluster.buckets();
    bucketSettings = BucketSettings.create("myBucket");

    This class is also used to expose information about an existing bucket (manager.getBucket(string)) or to update an existing bucket (manager.updateBucket(bucketSettings)).

    The default Collection & Default Scope will be used automatically.