
    Couchbase supports CRUD operations, various data structures, and binary documents.

    Although query and path-based (Sub-Document) services are available, the simplicity of the document-based key-value (kv) interface is the fastest way to perform operations involving single documents.

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc - include::7.1.2@sdk:shared:partial$documents.adoc[]

    Primitive Key-Value Operations

    upsert(String docid, Object document)
    insert(String docid, Object document)
    replace(String docid, Object document)
    get(String docid)
    remove(String docid)

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc - include::7.1.2@sdk:shared:partial$documents.adoc[]

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc - include::7.1.2@sdk:shared:partial$documents.adoc[]

    If you wish to only modify certain parts of a document, you can use sub-document operations which operate on specific subsets of documents:

    List<MutateInSpec> spec = Collections.singletonList(
            MutateInSpec.upsert("msrp", 18.00)
    collection.mutateIn("airline_10", spec);

    or N1QL UPDATE to update documents based on specific query criteria:

    update `travel-sample`.inventory.airline SET sale_price = msrp * 0.75 WHERE msrp < 19.95;

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc - include::7.1.2@sdk:shared:partial$documents.adoc[]

    SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airport USE KEYS ["airport_1254"];


    SELECT * FROM `travel-sample`.inventory.airport WHERE META().id = "airport_1254";

    You can also retrieve parts of documents using sub-document operations, by specifying one or more sections of the document to be retrieved

    Collection usersCollection = bucket.scope("tenant_agent_00").collection("users");
    List<LookupInSpec> spec = Arrays.asList(
    usersCollection.lookupIn("1", spec);

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc - include::7.1.2@sdk:shared:partial$documents.adoc[]

    String counterDocId = "counter-doc";
    // Increment by 1, creating doc if needed.
    // By using `.incrementOptions().initial(1)` we set the starting count(non-negative) to 1 if the document needs to be created.
    // If it already exists, the count will increase by 1.
    collection.binary().increment(counterDocId, IncrementOptions.incrementOptions().initial(1));
    // Decrement by 1
    // Decrement by 5
    collection.binary().decrement(counterDocId, DecrementOptions.decrementOptions().delta(5));

    You can simplify by importing decrementOptions() statically:

    collection.binary().decrement(counterDocId, decrementOptions().delta(5));

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc - include::7.1.2@sdk:shared:partial$documents.adoc[]

    GetResult getResult = collection.get("counter-doc");
    int value = getResult.contentAs(Integer.class);
    int incrementAmnt = 5;
    if (shouldIncrementAmnt(value)) {
                value + incrementAmnt,

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc - include::7.1.2@sdk:shared:partial$documents.adoc[]

    Use Cases

    The SDK provides a high-level abstraction over the simple incr()/decr() of Couchbase Server’s memcached binary protocol, using collections.binary(). This enables you to work with counters using get() and upsert() operations — allowing, inter alia, the use of durability options with the operations. You will find several ways of working with counters in the API docs.

    Unresolved include directive in modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc - include::7.1.2@sdk:shared:partial$documents.adoc[]