Key Value Operations
A document refers to an entry in the database (other databases may refer to the same concept as a row). A document has an ID (primary key in other databases), which is unique to the document and by which it can be located. The document also has a value which contains the actual application data. See the concept guide to Documents for a deeper dive into documents in the Couchbase Data Platform. Or read on, for a hands-on introduction to working with documents from the .NET SDK.
CRUD Operations
The core interface to Couchbase Server is simple KV operations on full documents. Make sure you’re familiar with the basics of authorization and connecting to a Cluster from the Start Using the SDK section.
See the code sample for use in context.
Sub-Document Operations
All of these operations involve fetching the complete document from the Cluster. Where the number of operations or other circumstances make bandwidth a significant issue, the SDK can work on just a specific path of the document with Sub-Document Operations. |
Here is a simple upsert operation, which will insert the document if it does not exist, or replace it if it does.
We use lcb_cmdstore_create
for storing an item in Couchbase as it is only one operation with different set of
attributes/constraints for storage modes.
lcb_cmdstore_create(&scmd, LCB_STORE_UPSERT);
lcb_cmdstore_key(scmd,, key.size());
lcb_cmdstore_value(scmd,, value.size());
err = lcb_store(instance, nullptr, scmd);
if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) {
die("Couldn't schedule storage operation", err);
lcb_wait(instance, LCB_WAIT_DEFAULT);
Insert works very similarly to upsert , but will fail if the document already exists.
lcb_cmdstore_create(&scmd, LCB_STORE_INSERT);
lcb_cmdstore_key(scmd,, key.size());
lcb_cmdstore_value(scmd,, value.size());
err = lcb_store(instance, nullptr, scmd);
if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) {
die("Couldn't schedule storage operation", err);
lcb_wait(instance, LCB_WAIT_DEFAULT);
Retrieving documents
We’ve tried upserting and inserting documents into the Couchbase Server, let’s get them back:
static void get_callback(lcb_INSTANCE *instance, int cbtype, const lcb_RESPGET *resp)
lcb_STATUS rc = lcb_respget_status(resp);
std::cerr << "=== " << lcb_strcbtype(cbtype) << " ===\n";
if (rc == LCB_SUCCESS) {
const char *key, *value;
size_t nkey, nvalue;
uint64_t cas;
uint32_t flags;
lcb_respget_key(resp, &key, &nkey);
std::cerr << "KEY: " << std::string(key, nkey) << "\n";
lcb_respget_cas(resp, &cas);
std::cerr << "CAS: 0x" << std::hex << cas << "\n";
lcb_respget_value(resp, &value, &nvalue);
std::cerr << "VALUE: " << std::string(value, nvalue) << "\n";
lcb_respget_flags(resp, &flags);
std::cerr << "FLAGS: 0x" << std::hex << flags << "\n";
// This snippet lives inside the callback, so it is not necessary to call lcb_wait here
lcb_CMDSTORE *cmd;
lcb_cmdstore_create(&cmd, LCB_STORE_INSERT);
lcb_cmdstore_key(cmd, key, nkey);
lcb_cmdstore_value(cmd, value, nvalue);
lcb_STATUS err = lcb_store(instance, nullptr, cmd);
if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) {
die("Couldn't schedule storage operation", err);
} else {
die(lcb_strcbtype(cbtype), rc);
A very common sequence of operations is to get
a document, modify its contents, and replace
So what is CAS?
CAS, or Compare and Swap, is a form of optimistic locking. Every document is Couchbase has a CAS value, and it’s changed on every mutation. When you get a document you also get the document’s CAS, and then when it is time to write the document, you send the same CAS back. If another thread or program has modified that document in the meantime, the Couchbase Server can detect you’ve provided a now-outdated CAS, and return an error. This provides cheap and safe concurrency. See this this detailed description of CAS for further details.
In general, you’ll want to provide a CAS value whenever you replace
a document, to prevent overwriting another agent’s mutations.
Setting a Compare and Swap (CAS) value is a form of optimistic locking - dealt with in depth in the CAS page. Here we just note that the CAS is a value representing the current state of an item; each time the item is modified, its CAS changes. The CAS value is returned as part of a document’s metadata whenever a document is accessed. Without explicitly setting it, a newly-created document would have a CAS value of 0.
result = {}; // reset result object
lcb_CMDSTORE *cmd = nullptr;
check(lcb_cmdstore_create(&cmd, LCB_STORE_REPLACE),
"create REPLACE command");
"assign ID for REPLACE command");
"assign value for REPLACE command");
check(lcb_store(local_instance, &result, cmd),
"schedule REPLACE command");
check(lcb_cmdstore_destroy(cmd), "destroy UPSERT command");
lcb_wait(local_instance, LCB_WAIT_DEFAULT);
if (result.rc != LCB_SUCCESS) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "failed to append " << item_value << ": "
<< lcb_strerror_short(result.rc) << "\n";
std::cout << msg.str();
See the code sample for use in context.
Writes in Couchbase are written to a single node, and from there the Couchbase Server will take care of sending that mutation to any configured replicas.
The optional durability
parameter, which all mutating operations accept, allows the application to wait until this replication (or persistence) is successful before proceeding.
See the code sample for use in context.
Atomic Counters
The numeric content of a document can be manipulated using lcb_RESPCOUNTER. Counter opeations treat the document as a numeric value (the document must contain a parseable integer as its content). This value may then be incremented or decremented.
check(lcb_cmdcounter_create(&cmd), "create COUNTER command");
check(lcb_cmdcounter_key(cmd,, document_id.size()),
"assign ID for COUNTER command");
check(lcb_cmdcounter_initial(cmd, 100), "assign initial value for COUNTER command");
check(lcb_cmdcounter_delta(cmd, 20), "assign delta value for COUNTER command");
check(lcb_counter(instance, nullptr, cmd), "schedule COUNTER command");
check(lcb_cmdcounter_destroy(cmd), "destroy COUNTER command");
lcb_wait(instance, LCB_WAIT_DEFAULT);
See the code sample for use in context.
Increment & Decrement are considered part of the ‘binary’ API and as such may still be subject to change |
Unresolved include directive in modules/howtos/pages/kv-operations.adoc - include::7.1@sdk:shared:partial$atomic.adoc[]
Additional Resources
Working on just a specific path within a JSON document will reduce network bandwidth requirements - see the Sub-Document pages. For working with metadata on a document, reference our Extended Attributes pages.
Our Query Engine enables retrieval of information using the SQL-like syntax of N1QL.