Element IDs and Same-Page Cross References


    An ID is a unique name for an element. That name can only be used once in a document. Typically, an ID is used to create a cross reference and link anchor for an element.

    Assigning an Element ID

    An ID can be assigned to a block or inline element. The ID name is prefixed with a hash (#) and, in most cases, placed in the first position of an attribute list.

    Add an ID to Section
    === Logging in to Your Couchbase Cluster
    You can log in to the Couchbase cluster and explore the items created.
    Add an ID to a Table
    .Distance Units
    |Units |Specify with
    |`in` or `inch`
    Add an ID to a List
    . Select menu:Couchbase Web Console[Servers > Add Server].
    . Enter the following information and click btn:[Add Server].
    Add an ID to Inline Styled Text
    Sample buckets must be accessed according to the requirements of Couchbase [#control]_Role-Based Access Control_.
    Add an ID to a Code Block
    $ curl localhost:8092

    When a block has a style, like the above code block (source) example, the ID is attached to the end of the style.

    Regular Text and List Item IDs

    You can assign IDs to regular text and list items, but the syntax is slightly different.

    • The ID isn’t prefixed.

    • The ID is placed inside a double set of square brackets ([[ ]]).

    . Fist step
    . [[step2]]Second step
    . Third step

    Make sure to place the ID after ordered and unordered list markers.

    Description list items can also be assigned IDs. Place the ID directly in front of the term.

    [[def-priority]]Bucket Priority::
    The priority to be assigned to the current bucket's background tasks.

    Links between two elements on the same page are created with the same-page cross reference (also referred to as a same-page xref). Before you can reference a destination element from a same-page xref, you must assign it an ID. The link in the previous sentence was created using a same-page xref.

    Same-page xref with link text to section
    Before you can reference a destination element from an in-page xref, you must <<assign-id,assign it an ID>>. (1) (2) (3)
    1 Same-page xrefs are defined by a double set of angle brackets (<< >>).
    2 The ID of the destination element is entered first and followed by a comma (,) if the xref also contains link text.
    3 Optional link text directly follows the comma (,).

    When link text isn’t supplied, the title of the destination block element is displayed. If the element doesn’t have a title, or is a list item, table cell, or inline element, the ID will be used as the link text.

    Using the previous example, if you didn’t add link text, the section title would be displayed.

    Same-page xref to section
    Before you can reference a destination element from an in-page xref, you must <<assign-id>>.

    This example renders as:

    Before you can reference a destination element from a same-page xref, you must Assigning an Element ID.

    Learn More

    IDs are also used by the cross reference macro (xref:[]) to link from one page to an element in another page. See Cross References for an example and more information.